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“Here Is Your Chance to Profit From One
of the Most Popular Types of Content
in the Public Domain Ever...GAMES!
How to Turn Games from the Public Domain Into Profitable, New Products!
From the Desk of Tony Laidig...

re: NOW Is the Perfect Time to Leverage the Popularity of Games With New Products Based on Classic, Time-Proven Content from the Public Domain...

Games are one of the oldest forms of human social interaction in existence and have been an integral part of all cultures for millennia. We consider popular tabletop games like Checkers, Go, and Backgammon as more modern inventions when, in reality, they have been played consistently since 2,500 to 3,000 BCE! Even today, tabletop games continue to dominate our social interactions. As a matter of fact, the table-top game market is a $13 Billion dollar per year industry with a growth rate of over 10% per year...even higher in 2020 due to restrictions caused by the pandemic. 

Consider this: The Top 10 Tabletop Games on Kickstarter alone have raised a combined $84 Million dollars. With an average of seven tabletop projects being successfully funded every day on Kickstarter (according to the latest figures on tabletop crowdfunding) over 2,500+ games per year lift the earnings totals into the hundreds of millions...and that it JUST on Kickstarter alone!
The Public Domain Provides Us With Proven Raw Materials to Help Us Claim a Piece of the Game Pie!
When we think about games, we often see them as a complete unit comprised of many parts. But from a product creation perspective, you want to explore ALL the components as individual types of content...the board (if there is one), the art, the components (dice, meeple, spinners, etc.), the cards, the game get the idea. Each of those individual elements holds within it the possibility of NEW products! If you think about it, most new games are simply variations of the SAME components!

How many ways can you use dice? A checkerboard? The checkers themselves? On and on it goes.

That said, there are also many amazing ways we can reinvent classic games from the Public Domain into modern-day versions, but the game mechanics and ideas behind those games can be used to create NEW games that will be familiar, yet fresh and new as well! 

Of course, there are also MANY other ways to create parallel products from game content that people will love:
  • Posters and Canvases
  • Apparel
  • Printed Goods
  • Home Goods
  • Drinkware
  • Physical Goods
  • Toys
  • Stories for Books (yeah)
  • And Much More!
It is time to leverage this amazing game content hidden in the Public Domain to create fun new products for new generations of children and adults. There are thousands of games awaiting discovery and reinvention and that is exactly what we will dive into in my new Hacks training!
Introducing... “Public Domain Game Hacks”
In this BRAND-NEW Public Domain Workshop, you will discover fresh and inventive new ways to repurpose game-related content. Because this information is overlooked by “quick buck” researchers, we...YOU...have a distinct advantage in gaining access to these powerful strategies before ANYONE ELSE! As always, and in true “Hacks” form, I will show you not only the best resources for uncovering the game-related content you can best benefit from but also how to breathe fresh, new life into this valuable content!

Here is what we will be covering during this comprehensive Workshop:
  • Module One: Finding Game-Related Content in the Public Domain – In this module, we will explore all the options we have available to us to find game-related resources in the Public Domain. From patents and game art to game mechanics and game types, this deep-dive will be exciting and eye-opening!
  • Module Two: Reinventing Game Content Into New Products – Once we have found game-related content, the next step is to consider and explore ways we can reinvent it into new products for a new generation. Of course, we will look at how to create modern derivatives of the original games, but also look at other types of products that will work well with game content.
  • Module Three: Resource and Manufacturing Options, Plus Marketing and Sales – As with any type of new product creation, working with the best companies and manufacturers can mean the difference between success and failure. In this module, we will dig into the best resources, product companies, and more. We will also address the best ways to market and sell your new game-related creations.
I am SO excited to share this information with you. It is revolutionary and incredibly lucrative! This is honestly going to be an incredibly exciting training that you definitely do NOT want to miss! 
Your Investment TODAY...
This workshop easily shares enough value and insights to justify a $297 price point...but I also recognize the importance of getting this information into as many of your hands as possible. 

For those reasons and others, I am positioning this workshop so that YOU can make an EASY buying decision, which is why I have decided to introduce the training at a Special Price of...
Just $297 $47
Save $250 for a VERY limited time!
Your Wise Investment TODAY includes:
  • Access to the LIVE Training Webinars
  • Ongoing Access to ALL Video Replays and Materials
  • Training Slides PDF from All Three Modules
  • BONUS: “Easily Create Your Own Card Decks And Board Games for Fun and Profit…” Video Training and PDF
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Special Offer!
Public Domain Games BUNDLE!
Get “Public Domain Game Hacks”
Together with “Games from Books”
for a VERY SPECIAL, Limited Time Price!
Just $394 $127
Save $267 for a VERY limited time!
About “Games From Books”:
Turn ANY Public Domain Children’s Book (or Even Your OWN Children’s Book) Into a Fun-to-Play, Exciting Board Game! Even if You’ve Never Created a Game Before! 4 Modules + All Slides PDFs.
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